
The website is a place to provide high-quality jasmine varieties and share useful knowledge on how to grow and care for this flower. With the desire to bring green values ​​to the house and living space, the website was built to support both beginners and those who have experience in growing jasmine.

Featured content of

  1. Providing quality jasmine seeds:
    • Diverse jasmine varieties: from domestic jasmine, Japanese jasmine, to unique imported jasmine varieties.
    • Ensure the quality of healthy seedlings, easy to grow and suitable for Vietnam’s climate conditions.
  2. Jasmine Planting Instructions:
    • Steps to prepare soil, planting pots and proper planting techniques.
    • Details on the best planting time for best plant growth.
  3. Jasmine plant care:
    • Instructions on how to water, fertilize and prune plants to keep flowers blooming beautifully all year round.
    • How to identify and treat common pests and diseases in jasmine plants.
    • Experience in plant maintenance in different seasons.
  4. Knowledge and tips:
    • Share tips to help jasmine plants bloom more and keep their fragrance for a long time.
    • Articles about the feng shui meaning and application of jasmine in life.
  5. Support and service:
    • Free consultation service on plant varieties, planting and care.
    • Fast seedling delivery policy, ensuring safety to customers.

Suitable for:

  • People who love bonsai and want to beautify their living space.
  • Gardeners and ornamental plant businesses.
  • Beginner learning how to grow plants and loves jasmine.

Visit to start your journey with jasmine, turning your home into a green and fragrant living space!